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YCT Standard Course Vol. 3 – Textbook

Author: Su Yingxia;
Language: Chinese, English
Format: 28 x 21 x 0.6 cm
Page: 62
Publication Date: 03/2016
ISBN: 9787040445909

Authorized by Hanban, the YCT Standard Course has been developed under the joint efforts of Higher Education Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). The target readers are primary and middle school students from overseas who take Chinese as an elective course, and who are going to take the YCT. With the YCT test papers as its primary source, the YCT Standard Course aims to achieve an integrated combination of function and fun, provide a scientific curriculum and effective teaching methods, as well as stimulate students’ multiple intelligence. It is a series of textbooks with a new approach that embodies the idea of “combining testing and teaching”. It is suitable for the Confucius Classrooms in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. 

  • Key sentences. Each lesson has 2 key sentences. The sentences are both important function items of the lesson and the clues for the key grammar points.
  • Let’s learn (new words). Each lesson has about 10 new words, with no more than 3 words that are not included in the syllabus (all marked with *). Most nouns appear in the form of pictures and are followed with Chinese characters, Pinyin and English translation. The other words are followed with Chinese characters, Pinyin, English translation and collocations or sample sentences.
  • Let’s read (texts). Each lesson has 2 texts, with each text containing IQ turns, which mainly come from sentences from previous YCT. Questions after the texts help teachers evaluate if students have fully understood the texts.
  • Activities and exercises. The book has both traditional exercises such as filling in the blank and matching, and interactive activities or games. The alternative activities and exercises help the class achieve a balance between being dynamic and static.
  • Songs. Each lesson contains a song related to the topic. Students can sing and dance at the same time, which helps to develop their multiple intelligence through a variety of stimulations.
  • Mini stories. Each lesson provides an interesting mini story related to the topic. Students can act it out in groups after reading it.
  • Model test page. Each lesson has a YCT model test page attached, which helps students familiarize themselves with the test and pass YCT successfully after finishing the book.

Table of Contents

Lesson 1 我三年级。
Lesson 2 你喜欢什么运动?
Lesson 3 我在画画儿呢。
Lesson 4 喂,您好!
Lesson 5 再吃几个。
Lesson 6 我能自己穿。
Lesson 7 生日快乐!
Lesson 8 下雪了。
Lesson 9 笑一笑!
Lesson 10 谁跑得快?
Lesson 11 妈妈把糖给弟弟了。
Lesson 12 复习